2009年9月22日 星期二

9/22 Dusty earns his keep

- trot (馬等的)小跑,快步. trotted
ex: The house was trotting through the woods.
ex: We trotted along the beach while walking our dog.
- yelp (狗)吠
- yawn 打呵欠
- pasture 牧草地
- moo 發哞哞聲
- dairy cow
- bellow 大聲發出;大聲喝道;動物大聲吼叫
ex: The horse bellowed and started to run wildly.
ex: You can hear the sergeant bellowing at the rookies.
- brag 吹牛,自吹,自誇
- keep at something 堅持做下去

hit the hay or hit the sack(帆布袋) 上床就寢
power nap

earn one's keep 賺生活費 (keep 生活費,生計[U])
ex:She babysits her neighbor's kid to eann her keep.
earn a living 謀生

9/22 When's the next bus?

-just left剛離開
-any minute now 隨時,快要
-速度快 fast
-時間快到 soon,almost there
-not until(til) 等到.的時候..才可以做...
-in X minutes 在X分鐘內
-a (city) block 兩個紅綠燈中間的路

- Is the next bus due soon?
- Exceuse me. When's the next bus due?
- One just left a few minutes ago.
- I think one just left
- It should arrive any minutes now.
- Not till about 10 o'clock.
- Does it go to the libray?
- Do bus 25 go downtown?
- You have to walk a couple blocks to the bus stop.
- You need to transfer to bus 20 at the bus station.

2009年9月21日 星期一

9/21 Students have a ball

feel so strongly = believe in the important or value of something
ex: They feel strongly about protecting the environment.
ex: Miranda feels strongly about finishing school before getting married.
ex: Richard feels strongly againest racial discrimination.
ex: Jack feels strongly againest animal abuse.

sanity 清醒;明智
slouch 沒精打采地站(坐或走)

ex: The compnay will replace all PCs with notebooks.
ex: She needs to improve her posture if she wants to be a model.
ex: His bad posture made him uncomfortable.
ex: The car is not big for four of us, and furthermore, it's too expensive.
ex: I don't know what Bobby said about me. Furthermore, I don't really care.

provinces, states

Canada use 10 provinces and 3 territories.
America has 50 states and Porto rico is its territory.

provincial (a) 省的/地方的 鄉下的

narrow-minded, open-minded

9/21 Transfering to a new position

-I have been transfer to Chicago.
-We have been short handed recently.
-Our retirement age is 65.
-My company is trying to force me out.
-My company has put my retirement off for four years now.
-Congratulation on your promotion.

2009年9月19日 星期六

9/20 Working in a restaurant

-How many in your party? We have party of six.

-Will anyone else be joining you?

-Would you like to hear about the specials?

-How would you like your steak? (問要幾分熟)

-Would you like your steak medium, rare or well done?
rare : (肉等)半熟的,煮得嫩的

-We have thoudsand island and house dressing.
thousand island dressing:千島醬, house dressing:特製醬料

-Here we are. 久等了

-There you go. 久等了

-Do we get free refills of coffee?

-That is 74 dollars out of 100 and 26 dollars is your change.
-40 dolloars out of 50 and here is your change.