2009年9月22日 星期二

9/22 Dusty earns his keep

- trot (馬等的)小跑,快步. trotted
ex: The house was trotting through the woods.
ex: We trotted along the beach while walking our dog.
- yelp (狗)吠
- yawn 打呵欠
- pasture 牧草地
- moo 發哞哞聲
- dairy cow
- bellow 大聲發出;大聲喝道;動物大聲吼叫
ex: The horse bellowed and started to run wildly.
ex: You can hear the sergeant bellowing at the rookies.
- brag 吹牛,自吹,自誇
- keep at something 堅持做下去

hit the hay or hit the sack(帆布袋) 上床就寢
power nap

earn one's keep 賺生活費 (keep 生活費,生計[U])
ex:She babysits her neighbor's kid to eann her keep.
earn a living 謀生

